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Eve Nunez

Eve Nunez

“I’m so honored to personally endorse my colleague and dearest friend for over 40 years. Rev. Pamela Carter is one of the most honest , trustworthy, reliable people I know . She is a true conservative Patriot who loves America and her community. She has volunteered alongside me for many years serving Arizona’s kids & families in need . She is truly a public servant and I highly recommend her for any public office she chooses to run for. Rev. Pamela Carter will serve Arizona residents with the highest integrity.”

Pamela Carter

on Latinos United For Conservative Action′s endorsement

Pamela Carter

on Latinos United For Conservative Action′s endorsement

I am excited to announce the endorsement of LUCA (Latinos United For Conservative Action)! I am proud to support the values of this great organization and the people it represents.

Learn more about their vision at luca-latinosunited.com

Joseph Chaplik

State Representative

Joseph Chaplik

State Representative

“With a migrant crisis at the southern border and the economy in turmoil, we need more common sense representatives advocating for the needs of Arizonans. That’s why I am proud to endorse Pamela Carter for Arizona State House. I have no doubt Pamela will fight for election integrity, a secure border, and economic stability.”

Jerry Sheridan

Candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff

Jerry Sheridan

Candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff

“The first time I heard Pamela Carter speak I could tell she had the best interests of the people of Arizona in mind. Her love for family, Arizona and country were obvious. Pamela garnered my complete attention and support when she mentioned the importance of border security, safe schools, election integrity and protecting our children.”

Sandra Christensen

Paradise Valley Unified School District Governing Board Member

Sandra Christensen

Paradise Valley Unified School District Governing Board Member

“Pamela Carter is a women of integrity and high moral character with a heart for Arizona children. As an Arizona native, Pamela will fight for better educational opportunities and safety for our children. I fully endorse Pamela Carter for Arizona State House.”

Group and Association Endorsements